7 *Genuinely Creative* Copywriting Tips to Nail Your Messaging

Kushagra Oberoi
3 min readApr 16, 2023


Source: Author

Gurus will tell you to “write like you talk.” That is incomplete advice that’s not even creative.

Believe me, I’ve been a copywriter for more than 1.5 years now.

Instead, use these 7 *genuinely creative* tips to nail your copywriting like a PRO

1. Rule of 3

Three is the smallest number required to make a pattern and makes your writing more:




Next time you want to say something, think in THREEs.

Source: Author

2. Metaphors

Metaphors are persuasive because they are:

  • Relatable
  • Recognizable
  • Easy to understand

And they bring surprise & delight to the meaning of your copy.

Because it’s using concepts that aren’t alike and yet have something in common.

Source: Author

3. Reframing

People react differently to information based on how it’s presented to them.

Make it a habit to present information in a way that stands out.

Find your big idea and keep reframing until that idea makes your copy a class apart.

Source: Author

4. Anaphora

If you repeat a word or phrase at the start of a sentence, it’s called Anaphora.

Here’s how it helps:

-Holds attention longer

-Adds rhythm to your copy

-Promotes a predictable structure

And of course, it adds a dramatic effect to your copy.

Source: Author

5. Epiphora

If you repeat a word or phrase at the end of a sentence, it’s called epiphora.

It’s another literary device with the same effect as Anaphora.

Use this if you want to end your sentences on a dramatic, more predictable note.

Source: Author

6. Be more specific

Specificity invites attention. And attention invites engagement, which keeps a reader on the page.

Be specific with your:

-Target audience

-Numbers -Benefits


And see your copy convert better because it’s read & understood in a better way.

Source: Author

7. Reason Why

Psychology says people respond to buying requests better when they’re presented with a reason.

Include this in your copy:

-Reason why it’s better

-Reason why to believe

-Reason why to act now

And see it convert better as a result of readers trusting you.

Source: Author

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Kushagra Oberoi
Kushagra Oberoi

Written by Kushagra Oberoi

Snippets on What I learn about Copywriting & Marketing. 👀

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