7 Ways to Write a Landing Page Headline Without Generic Templates
Most people bounce off web pages in 5 seconds.
But what can make them stay for a little longer? Headlines.
Here are 7 frameworks to write *template-free* headlines (with examples) so you know how to hook people right from the start…
1. Clear Positive Outcome
This headline doesn’t talk about product benefits or features.
It goes straight to what it helps you achieve.
Good chair = comfort = good headline
Good chair = great day at work = better headline.
Lesson: Focus on outcomes.
2. Be Trendy/Topical
This headline positions the product as a Father’s Day gift which gives a strong reason for people to buy.
It also uses wordplay with the word “Ace” to remain contextual.
Lesson: Be topical/trendy and mix it with a bit of wordplay.
3. Novel Idea
If you’re doing something unique and better, it’s best to use words like New & Better in your headline.
It makes your messaging simple, easy, and effective.
Lesson: If you bring something new & unique to the table, make sure to communicate it in your messaging.
4. Appeal to Emotions
People buy with emotions. But justify with logic.
So make sure when you start, you start strong.
Lesson: Benefits are good, but emotions are better.
When you can, start with a strong emotional core.
5. Make Them Curious
If you have a unique product, you can tease readers with your headline.
Do it in a way that they’ll be excited to find out: “What’s different about this?”
Just like this example where headline teases and subheadline justifies.
Lesson: Prioritize curiosity
6. Value-first Headline
Simply state what your product does and how it does it.
Clear. Simple. No beating around the bush.
One problem. One solution. One audience.
Lesson: Keep your messaging crystal clear by following the rule of 1.
7. Timing is Everything
People want everything fast. Right now or never.
→How your product brings quick results
→How much time it saves you
Is a sure-shot way to write a winning headline.
Lesson: Communicate fast results or time saved in the opening.
Well, that’s all!
But if you are a :
1. DTC/E-comm Brand
2. Coach/Solopreneur/Creator
Who wants help with their copy & messaging, I’m your guy.
Also thanks to Mr. Sharma’s wonderful landing pages for the examples.
Hit me up here, and let’s chat more.