Here’s How I Made a Spec Ad for a Mattress Brand

Kushagra Oberoi
2 min readMay 5, 2024


Explaining my thought process behind writing copy. Come check out the BTS from a creative perspective…

Source: Author

Brief: Promote the Pro Nexa® Foam mattresses.

Insight: People wake up irritated if they don’t get a good night’s sleep.

It’s easier to write copy when you have insights like these. The insight comes from brainstorming, research and ideation.

But you still need to think a certain way. I did that with a group but you can replicate the same in isolation too.

Source: Author

I chose to start my hook/headline with another popular narrative.

People hate Mondays.

And I tried to make it more attention-grabbing by using contrast in the hook line (Start/stop).

In the body copy, I just touched on the benefits of the mattress technology and made it simple, clear and relatable. Also fought an objection.

What I Learned

  1. Relatable truths and insights make for great BIG IDEAS.

2. If you’re talking about a popular product or commodity, think situation-first.

3. Contrast is a great way to grab attention but in general, try to use literary devices.

4. If the market/product is saturated, tackle objections.

5. Communicating why and how is better than communicating what.

What do you think of the ad?

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Kushagra Oberoi

Snippets on What I learn about Copywriting & Marketing. 👀