How to Write a High-Converting Landing Page for Your Ads Ft. Spacegoods

Kushagra Oberoi
3 min readMar 24, 2024
Source: Author

1. The ATF (Above the fold) Section

The headline is clear, simple and benefit-focused.

The rest of the copy is direct and focused on pain-points.

Plus, there is social proof and urgency to drive the conversions.

Source: Author

2. The Visual

The visual clearly highlights the content of the offer.

And makes it easy for people to quantify the value.

Source: Author

3. The Proof-Building

The best way to build a stronger sales argument is to show proof.

And when you use social proof and authority, you are selling. Not telling.

And that’s the best kind.

Source: Author

4. The Benefit Pointers

Raw, real and relatable benefits delivered in an easy-to-consume manner.

And the way it is visually centered around the product makes it even better.

Source: Author

5. Strengthen Your Argument

What you cannot say with words, show with a comparison.

It’s the best way to strengthen your sales argument and get people to choose you over your competitors.

Source: Author

6. Capture the Action

Describe the simple step-by-step process to use your product.

And show it in action to make it more of a real experience for customers.

Source: Author

You see? The sections I showed you don’t have wordy copy.

It’s crisp, clear and to the point.

But they do their job well because those talking points are essential.

Sometimes it’s not just about your copy but the way it is presented.

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Kushagra Oberoi

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